/** File generated by Grunt -- do not modify * JQUERY-FORM-VALIDATOR * * @version 2.3.26 * @website http://formvalidator.net/ * @author Victor Jonsson, http://victorjonsson.se * @license MIT */ ! function(a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(this, function(a) { ! function(a, b) { "use strict"; function c(b) { b && "custom" === b.errorMessagePosition && "function" == typeof b.errorMessageCustom && (a.formUtils.warn("Use of deprecated function errorMessageCustom, use config.submitErrorMessageCallback instead"), b.submitErrorMessageCallback = function(a, c) { b.errorMessageCustom(a, b.language.errorTitle, c, b) }) } function d(b) { if (b.errorMessagePosition && "object" == typeof b.errorMessagePosition) { a.formUtils.warn("Deprecated use of config parameter errorMessagePosition, use config.submitErrorMessageCallback instead"); var c = b.errorMessagePosition; b.errorMessagePosition = "top", b.submitErrorMessageCallback = function() { return c } } } function e(b) { var c = b.find("[data-validation-if-checked]"); c.length && a.formUtils.warn('Detected use of attribute "data-validation-if-checked" which is deprecated. Use "data-validation-depends-on" provided by module "logic"'), c.on("beforeValidation", function() { var c = a(this), d = c.valAttr("if-checked"), e = a('input[name="' + d + '"]', b), f = e.is(":checked"), g = (a.formUtils.getValue(e) || "").toString(), h = c.valAttr("if-checked-value"); (!f || h && h !== g) && c.valAttr("skipped", !0) }) } a.fn.validateForm = function(b, c) { return a.formUtils.warn("Use of deprecated function $.validateForm, use $.isValid instead"), this.isValid(b, c, !0) }, a(window).on("validatorsLoaded formValidationSetup", function(b, f, g) { f || (f = a("form")), c(g), d(g), e(f) }) }(a), function(a) { "use strict"; var b = { resolveErrorMessage: function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = d.validationErrorMsgAttribute + "-" + c.replace("validate_", ""), g = a.attr(f); return g || (g = a.attr(d.validationErrorMsgAttribute), g || (g = "function" != typeof b.errorMessageKey ? e[b.errorMessageKey] : e[b.errorMessageKey(d)], g || (g = b.errorMessage))), g }, getParentContainer: function(b) { if (b.valAttr("error-msg-container")) return a(b.valAttr("error-msg-container")); var c = b.parent(); if (!c.hasClass("form-group") && !c.closest("form").hasClass("form-horizontal")) { var d = c.closest(".form-group"); if (d.length) return d.eq(0) } return c }, applyInputErrorStyling: function(a, b) { a.addClass(b.errorElementClass).removeClass("valid"), this.getParentContainer(a).addClass(b.inputParentClassOnError).removeClass(b.inputParentClassOnSuccess), "" !== b.borderColorOnError && a.css("border-color", b.borderColorOnError) }, applyInputSuccessStyling: function(a, b) { a.addClass("valid"), this.getParentContainer(a).addClass(b.inputParentClassOnSuccess) }, removeInputStylingAndMessage: function(a, c) { a.removeClass("valid").removeClass(c.errorElementClass).css("border-color", ""); var d = b.getParentContainer(a); if (d.removeClass(c.inputParentClassOnError).removeClass(c.inputParentClassOnSuccess), "function" == typeof c.inlineErrorMessageCallback) { var e = c.inlineErrorMessageCallback(a, !1, c); e && e.html("") } else d.find("." + c.errorMessageClass).remove() }, removeAllMessagesAndStyling: function(c, d) { if ("function" == typeof d.submitErrorMessageCallback) { var e = d.submitErrorMessageCallback(c, d); e && e.html("") } else c.find("." + d.errorMessageClass + ".alert").remove(); c.find("." + d.errorElementClass + ",.valid").each(function() { b.removeInputStylingAndMessage(a(this), d) }) }, // xyzCall: function() { // $("#order_storage_id").bind('click'); // $('.chosen-container:first').addClass('chosen-container-active chosen-with-drop'); // // }, setInlineMessage: function(b, c, d) { // Dynamic message // Aurtor : Bhavin d solanki c = c.replace(/{{field_name}}/g, b.attr("title")); c = c.replace(/{{maxlength}}/g, b.attr("maxlength")); c = c.replace(/{{minlength}}/g, b.attr("minlength")); c = c.replace(/{{filetype}}/g, b.attr("filetype")); c = c.replace(/{{file_size}}/g, b.attr("file_size")); c = c.replace(/{{filedimenstion}}/g, b.attr("filedimenstion")); $('form .error:first').focus(); //var dss = this.xyzCall(); //$("#order_storage_id").chosen().trigger("liszt:open"); //$('form .error:first').focus(); //$('.chosen-container').trigger('click'); //$('.chosen-container:first').addClass('chosen-container-active chosen-with-drop'); // var rs = document.getElementsByClassName('order_storage_id_chosen'); // rs.click(); this.applyInputErrorStyling(b, d); var e, f = document.getElementById(b.attr("name") + "_err_msg"), g = !1, h = function(d) { a.formUtils.$win.trigger("validationErrorDisplay", [b, d]), d.html(c) }, i = function() { var f = !1; g.find("." + d.errorMessageClass).each(function() { return this.inputReferer === b[0] ? (f = a(this), !1) : void 0 }), f ? c ? h(f) : f.remove() : "" !== c && (e = a('
'), h(e), e[0].inputReferer = b[0], g.prepend(e)) }; if (f) a.formUtils.warn("Using deprecated element reference " + f.id), g = a(f), i(); else if ("function" == typeof d.inlineErrorMessageCallback) { if (g = d.inlineErrorMessageCallback(b, c, d), !g) return; i() } else { var j = this.getParentContainer(b); e = j.find("." + d.errorMessageClass + ".help-block"), 0 === e.length && (e = a("").addClass("help-block").addClass(d.errorMessageClass), e.appendTo(j)), h(e) } }, setMessageInTopOfForm: function(b, c, d, e) { var f = '
', g = !1; if ("function" != typeof d.submitErrorMessageCallback || (g = d.submitErrorMessageCallback(b, c, d))) { var h = { errorTitle: e.errorTitle, fields: "", errorMessageClass: d.errorMessageClass }; a.each(c, function(a, b) { h.fields += "
  • " + b + "
  • " }), a.each(h, function(a, b) { f = f.replace("{" + a + "}", b) }), g ? g.html(f) : b.children().eq(0).before(a(f)) } } }; a.formUtils = a.extend(a.formUtils || {}, { dialogs: b }) }(a), function(a, b, c) { "use strict"; var d = 0; a.fn.validateOnBlur = function(b, c) { var d = this, e = this.find("*[data-validation]"); return e.each(function() { var e = a(this); if (e.is("[type=radio]")) { var f = d.find('[type=radio][name="' + e.attr("name") + '"]'); f.bind("blur.validation", function() { e.validateInputOnBlur(b, c, !0, "blur") }), c.validateCheckboxRadioOnClick && f.bind("click.validation", function() { e.validateInputOnBlur(b, c, !0, "click") }) } }), e.bind("blur.validation", function() { a(this).validateInputOnBlur(b, c, !0, "blur") }), c.validateCheckboxRadioOnClick && this.find("input[type=checkbox][data-validation],input[type=radio][data-validation]").bind("click.validation", function() { a(this).validateInputOnBlur(b, c, !0, "click") }), this }, a.fn.validateOnEvent = function(b, c) { var d = "FORM" === this[0].nodeName ? this.find("*[data-validation-event]") : this; return d.each(function() { var d = a(this), e = d.valAttr("event"); e && d.unbind(e + ".validation").bind(e + ".validation", function(d) { 9 !== (d || {}).keyCode && a(this).validateInputOnBlur(b, c, !0, e) }) }), this }, a.fn.showHelpOnFocus = function(b) { return b || (b = "data-validation-help"), this.find(".has-help-txt").valAttr("has-keyup-event", !1).removeClass("has-help-txt"), this.find("textarea,input").each(function() { var c = a(this), e = "jquery_form_help_" + ++d, f = c.attr(b); f && c.addClass("has-help-txt").unbind("focus.help").bind("focus.help", function() { var b = c.parent().find("." + e); 0 === b.length && (b = a("").addClass(e).addClass("help").addClass("help-block").text(f).hide(), c.after(b)), b.fadeIn() }).unbind("blur.help").bind("blur.help", function() { a(this).parent().find("." + e).fadeOut("slow") }) }), this }, a.fn.validate = function(b, c, d) { var e = a.extend({}, a.formUtils.LANG, d || {}); this.each(function() { var d = a(this), f = d.closest("form").get(0).validationConfig || {}; d.one("validation", function(a, c) { "function" == typeof b && b(c, this, a) }), d.validateInputOnBlur(e, a.extend({}, f, c || {}), !0) }) }, a.fn.willPostponeValidation = function() { return (this.valAttr("suggestion-nr") || this.valAttr("postpone") || this.hasClass("hasDatepicker")) && !b.postponedValidation }, a.fn.validateInputOnBlur = function(c, d, e, f) { if (a.formUtils.eventType = f, this.willPostponeValidation()) { var g = this, h = this.valAttr("postpone") || 200; return b.postponedValidation = function() { g.validateInputOnBlur(c, d, e, f), b.postponedValidation = !1 }, setTimeout(function() { b.postponedValidation && b.postponedValidation() }, h), this } c = a.extend({}, a.formUtils.LANG, c || {}), a.formUtils.dialogs.removeInputStylingAndMessage(this, d); var i = this, j = i.closest("form"), k = a.formUtils.validateInput(i, c, d, j, f); return e && i.unbind("keyup.validation"), k.shouldChangeDisplay && (k.isValid ? a.formUtils.dialogs.applyInputSuccessStyling(i, d) : a.formUtils.dialogs.setInlineMessage(i, k.errorMsg, d)), !k.isValid && e && i.bind("keyup.validation", function(b) { 9 !== b.keyCode && a(this).validateInputOnBlur(c, d, !1, "keyup") }), this }, a.fn.valAttr = function(a, b) { return b === c ? this.attr("data-validation-" + a) : b === !1 || null === b ? this.removeAttr("data-validation-" + a) : (a = a.length > 0 ? "-" + a : "", this.attr("data-validation" + a, b)) }, a.fn.isValid = function(b, c, d) { if (a.formUtils.isLoadingModules) { var e = this; return setTimeout(function() { e.isValid(b, c, d) }, 200), null } c = a.extend({}, a.formUtils.defaultConfig(), c || {}), b = a.extend({}, a.formUtils.LANG, b || {}), d = d !== !1, a.formUtils.errorDisplayPreventedWhenHalted && (delete a.formUtils.errorDisplayPreventedWhenHalted, d = !1), a.formUtils.isValidatingEntireForm = !0, a.formUtils.haltValidation = !1; var f = function(b, e) { a.inArray(b, h) < 0 && h.push(b), i.push(e), e.attr("current-error", b), d && a.formUtils.dialogs.applyInputErrorStyling(e, c) }, g = [], h = [], i = [], j = this, k = function(b, d) { return "submit" === d || "button" === d || "reset" === d ? !0 : a.inArray(b, c.ignore || []) > -1 }; if (d && a.formUtils.dialogs.removeAllMessagesAndStyling(j, c), j.find("input,textarea,select").filter(':not([type="submit"],[type="button"])').each(function() { var d = a(this), e = d.attr("type"), h = "radio" === e || "checkbox" === e, i = d.attr("name"); if (!k(i, e) && (!h || a.inArray(i, g) < 0)) { h && g.push(i); var l = a.formUtils.validateInput(d, b, c, j, "submit"); l.isValid ? l.isValid && l.shouldChangeDisplay && (d.valAttr("current-error", !1), a.formUtils.dialogs.applyInputSuccessStyling(d, c)) : f(l.errorMsg, d) } }), "function" == typeof c.onValidate) { var l = c.onValidate(j); a.isArray(l) ? a.each(l, function(a, b) { f(b.message, b.element) }) : l && l.element && l.message && f(l.message, l.element) } return a.formUtils.isValidatingEntireForm = !1, !a.formUtils.haltValidation && i.length > 0 ? (d && ("top" === c.errorMessagePosition ? a.formUtils.dialogs.setMessageInTopOfForm(j, h, c, b) : a.each(i, function(b, d) { a.formUtils.dialogs.setInlineMessage(d, d.attr("current-error"), c) }), c.scrollToTopOnError && a.formUtils.$win.scrollTop(j.offset().top - 20)), !1) : (!d && a.formUtils.haltValidation && (a.formUtils.errorDisplayPreventedWhenHalted = !0), !a.formUtils.haltValidation) }, a.fn.restrictLength = function(b) { return new a.formUtils.lengthRestriction(this, b), this }, a.fn.addSuggestions = function(b) { var c = !1; return this.find("input").each(function() { var d = a(this); c = a.split(d.attr("data-suggestions")), c.length > 0 && !d.hasClass("has-suggestions") && (a.formUtils.suggest(d, c, b), d.addClass("has-suggestions")) }), this } }(a, window), function(a) { "use strict"; a.formUtils = a.extend(a.formUtils || {}, { isLoadingModules: !1, loadedModules: {}, loadModules: function(b, c, d) { if (a.formUtils.isLoadingModules) return void setTimeout(function() { a.formUtils.loadModules(b, c, d) }, 10); var e = !1, f = function(b, c) { var f = a.split(b), g = f.length, h = function() { g--, 0 === g && (a.formUtils.isLoadingModules = !1, d && e && "function" == typeof d && d()) }; g > 0 && (a.formUtils.isLoadingModules = !0); var i = "?_=" + (new Date).getTime(), j = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; a.each(f, function(b, d) { if (d = a.trim(d), 0 === d.length) h(); else { var f = c + d + (".js" === d.slice(-3) ? "" : ".js"), g = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); f in a.formUtils.loadedModules ? h() : (a.formUtils.loadedModules[f] = 1, e = !0, g.type = "text/javascript", g.onload = h, g.src = f + (".dev.js" === f.slice(-7) ? i : ""), g.onerror = function() { a.formUtils.warn("Unable to load form validation module " + f) }, g.onreadystatechange = function() { "complete" !== this.readyState && "loaded" !== this.readyState || (h(), this.onload = null, this.onreadystatechange = null) }, j.appendChild(g)) } }) }; if (c) f(b, c); else { var g = function() { var c = !1; return a('script[src*="form-validator"]').each(function() { return c = this.src.substr(0, this.src.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/", "/" === c && (c = ""), !1 }), c !== !1 ? (f(b, c), !0) : !1 }; g() || a(g) } } }) }(a), function(a) { "use strict"; a.split = function(b, c) { if ("function" != typeof c) { if (!b) return []; var d = []; return a.each(b.split(c ? c : /[,|\-\s]\s*/g), function(b, c) { c = a.trim(c), c.length && d.push(c) }), d } b && a.each(b.split(/[,|\-\s]\s*/g), function(b, d) { return d = a.trim(d), d.length ? c(d, b) : void 0 }) }, a.validate = function(b) { var c = a.extend(a.formUtils.defaultConfig(), { form: "form", validateOnEvent: !1, validateOnBlur: !0, validateCheckboxRadioOnClick: !0, showHelpOnFocus: !0, addSuggestions: !0, modules: "", onModulesLoaded: null, language: !1, onSuccess: !1, onError: !1, onElementValidate: !1 }); if (b = a.extend(c, b || {}), b.lang && "en" !== b.lang) { var d = "lang/" + b.lang + ".js"; b.modules += b.modules.length ? "," + d : d } a(b.form).each(function(c, d) { d.validationConfig = b; var e = a(d); e.trigger("formValidationSetup", [e, b]), e.find(".has-help-txt").unbind("focus.validation").unbind("blur.validation"), e.removeClass("has-validation-callback").unbind("submit.validation").unbind("reset.validation").find("input[data-validation],textarea[data-validation]").unbind("blur.validation"), e.bind("submit.validation", function(c) { var d = a(this), e = function() { return c.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1 }; if (a.formUtils.haltValidation) return e(); if (a.formUtils.isLoadingModules) return setTimeout(function() { d.trigger("submit.validation") }, 200), e(); var f = d.isValid(b.language, b); if (a.formUtils.haltValidation) return e(); if (!f || "function" != typeof b.onSuccess) return f || "function" != typeof b.onError ? f ? !0 : e() : (b.onError(d), e()); var g = b.onSuccess(d); return g === !1 ? e() : void 0 }).bind("reset.validation", function() { a.formUtils.dialogs.removeAllMessagesAndStyling(e, b) }).addClass("has-validation-callback"), b.showHelpOnFocus && e.showHelpOnFocus(), b.addSuggestions && e.addSuggestions(), b.validateOnBlur && (e.validateOnBlur(b.language, b), e.bind("html5ValidationAttrsFound", function() { e.validateOnBlur(b.language, b) })), b.validateOnEvent && e.validateOnEvent(b.language, b) }), "" !== b.modules && a.formUtils.loadModules(b.modules, !1, function() { "function" == typeof b.onModulesLoaded && b.onModulesLoaded(); var c = "string" == typeof b.form ? a(b.form) : b.form; a.formUtils.$win.trigger("validatorsLoaded", [c, b]) }) } }(a), function(a, b) { "use strict"; var c = a(b); a.formUtils = a.extend(a.formUtils || {}, { $win: c, defaultConfig: function() { return { ignore: [], errorElementClass: "error", borderColorOnError: "#b94a48", errorMessageClass: "form-error", validationRuleAttribute: "data-validation", validationErrorMsgAttribute: "data-validation-error-msg", errorMessagePosition: "inline", errorMessageTemplate: { container: '
    ', messages: "{errorTitle}", field: "
  • {msg}
  • " }, scrollToTopOnError: !0, dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd", addValidClassOnAll: !1, decimalSeparator: ".", inputParentClassOnError: "has-error", // inputParentClassOnSuccess: "has-success", inputParentClassOnSuccess: "", validateHiddenInputs: !1, inlineErrorMessageCallback: !1, submitErrorMessageCallback: !1 } }, validators: {}, _events: { load: [], valid: [], invalid: [] }, haltValidation: !1, isValidatingEntireForm: !1, addValidator: function(a) { var b = 0 === a.name.indexOf("validate_") ? a.name : "validate_" + a.name; void 0 === a.validateOnKeyUp && (a.validateOnKeyUp = !0), this.validators[b] = a }, warn: function(a) { "console" in b ? "function" == typeof b.console.warn ? b.console.warn(a) : "function" == typeof b.console.log && b.console.log(a) : alert(a) }, getValue: function(a, b) { var c = b ? b.find(a) : a; if (c.length > 0) { var d = c.eq(0).attr("type"); return "radio" === d || "checkbox" === d ? c.filter(":checked").val() : c.val() } return !1 }, validateInput: function(b, c, d, e, f) { d = d || a.formUtils.defaultConfig(), c = c || a.formUtils.LANG; var g = this.getValue(b); b.valAttr("skipped", !1).one("beforeValidation", function() { (b.attr("disabled") || !b.is(":visible") && !d.validateHiddenInputs) && b.valAttr("skipped", 1) }).trigger("beforeValidation", [g, d, c]); var h = "true" === b.valAttr("optional"), i = !g && h, j = b.attr(d.validationRuleAttribute), k = !0, l = "", m = { isValid: !0, shouldChangeDisplay: !0, errorMsg: "" }; if (!j || i || b.valAttr("skipped")) return m.shouldChangeDisplay = d.addValidClassOnAll, m; var n = b.valAttr("ignore"); return n && a.each(n.split(""), function(a, b) { g = g.replace(new RegExp("\\" + b), "") }), a.split(j, function(h) { 0 !== h.indexOf("validate_") && (h = "validate_" + h); var i = a.formUtils.validators[h]; if (!i) throw new Error('Using undefined validator "' + h + '". Maybe you have forgotten to load the module that "' + h + '" belongs to?'); return "validate_checkbox_group" === h && (b = e.find('[name="' + b.attr("name") + '"]:eq(0)')), ("keyup" !== f || i.validateOnKeyUp) && (k = i.validatorFunction(g, b, d, c, e)), k ? void 0 : (l = a.formUtils.dialogs.resolveErrorMessage(b, i, h, d, c), !1) }, " "), k === !1 ? (b.trigger("validation", !1), m.errorMsg = l, m.isValid = !1, m.shouldChangeDisplay = !0) : null === k ? m.shouldChangeDisplay = !1 : (b.trigger("validation", !0), m.shouldChangeDisplay = !0), "function" == typeof d.onElementValidate && null !== l && d.onElementValidate(m.isValid, b, e, l), b.trigger("afterValidation", [m, f]), m }, parseDate: function(b, c, d) { var e, f, g, h, i = c.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/gi, "").substring(0, 1), j = "^", k = c.split(i || null); if (a.each(k, function(a, b) { j += (a > 0 ? "\\" + i : "") + "(\\d{" + b.length + "})" }), j += "$", d) { var l = []; a.each(b.split(i), function(a, b) { 1 === b.length && (b = "0" + b), l.push(b) }), b = l.join(i) } if (e = b.match(new RegExp(j)), null === e) return !1; var m = function(b, c, d) { for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) if (c[e].substring(0, 1) === b) return a.formUtils.parseDateInt(d[e + 1]); return -1 }; return g = m("m", k, e), f = m("d", k, e), h = m("y", k, e), 2 === g && f > 28 && (h % 4 !== 0 || h % 100 === 0 && h % 400 !== 0) || 2 === g && f > 29 && (h % 4 === 0 || h % 100 !== 0 && h % 400 === 0) || g > 12 || 0 === g ? !1 : this.isShortMonth(g) && f > 30 || !this.isShortMonth(g) && f > 31 || 0 === f ? !1 : [h, g, f] }, parseDateInt: function(a) { return 0 === a.indexOf("0") && (a = a.replace("0", "")), parseInt(a, 10) }, isShortMonth: function(a) { return a % 2 === 0 && 7 > a || a % 2 !== 0 && a > 7 }, lengthRestriction: function(b, c) { var d = parseInt(c.text(), 10), e = 0, f = function() { var a = b.val().length; if (a > d) { var f = b.scrollTop(); b.val(b.val().substring(0, d)), b.scrollTop(f) } e = d - a, 0 > e && (e = 0), c.text(e) }; a(b).bind("keydown keyup keypress focus blur", f).bind("cut paste", function() { setTimeout(f, 100) }), a(document).bind("ready", f) }, numericRangeCheck: function(b, c) { var d = a.split(c), e = parseInt(c.substr(3), 10); return 1 === d.length && -1 === c.indexOf("min") && -1 === c.indexOf("max") && (d = [c, c]), 2 === d.length && (b < parseInt(d[0], 10) || b > parseInt(d[1], 10)) ? ["out", d[0], d[1]] : 0 === c.indexOf("min") && e > b ? ["min", e] : 0 === c.indexOf("max") && b > e ? ["max", e] : ["ok"] }, _numSuggestionElements: 0, _selectedSuggestion: null, _previousTypedVal: null, suggest: function(b, d, e) { var f = { css: { maxHeight: "150px", background: "#FFF", lineHeight: "150%", textDecoration: "underline", overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: "auto", border: "#CCC solid 1px", borderTop: "none", cursor: "pointer" }, activeSuggestionCSS: { background: "#E9E9E9" } }, g = function(a, b) { var c = b.offset(); a.css({ width: b.outerWidth(), left: c.left + "px", top: c.top + b.outerHeight() + "px" }) }; e && a.extend(f, e), f.css.position = "absolute", f.css["z-index"] = 9999, b.attr("autocomplete", "off"), 0 === this._numSuggestionElements && c.bind("resize", function() { a(".jquery-form-suggestions").each(function() { var b = a(this), c = b.attr("data-suggest-container"); g(b, a(".suggestions-" + c).eq(0)) }) }), this._numSuggestionElements++; var h = function(b) { var c = b.valAttr("suggestion-nr"); a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = null, a.formUtils._previousTypedVal = null, a(".jquery-form-suggestion-" + c).fadeOut("fast") }; return b.data("suggestions", d).valAttr("suggestion-nr", this._numSuggestionElements).unbind("focus.suggest").bind("focus.suggest", function() { a(this).trigger("keyup"), a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = null }).unbind("keyup.suggest").bind("keyup.suggest", function() { var c = a(this), d = [], e = a.trim(c.val()).toLocaleLowerCase(); if (e !== a.formUtils._previousTypedVal) { a.formUtils._previousTypedVal = e; var i = !1, j = c.valAttr("suggestion-nr"), k = a(".jquery-form-suggestion-" + j); if (k.scrollTop(0), "" !== e) { var l = e.length > 2; a.each(c.data("suggestions"), function(a, b) { var c = b.toLocaleLowerCase(); return c === e ? (d.push("" + b + ""), i = !0, !1) : void((0 === c.indexOf(e) || l && c.indexOf(e) > -1) && d.push(b.replace(new RegExp(e, "gi"), "$&"))) }) } i || 0 === d.length && k.length > 0 ? k.hide() : d.length > 0 && 0 === k.length ? (k = a("
    ").css(f.css).appendTo("body"), b.addClass("suggestions-" + j), k.attr("data-suggest-container", j).addClass("jquery-form-suggestions").addClass("jquery-form-suggestion-" + j)) : d.length > 0 && !k.is(":visible") && k.show(), d.length > 0 && e.length !== d[0].length && (g(k, c), k.html(""), a.each(d, function(b, d) { a("
    ").append(d).css({ overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap", padding: "5px" }).addClass("form-suggest-element").appendTo(k).click(function() { c.focus(), c.val(a(this).text()), c.trigger("change"), h(c) }) })) } }).unbind("keydown.validation").bind("keydown.validation", function(b) { var c, d, e = b.keyCode ? b.keyCode : b.which, g = a(this); if (13 === e && null !== a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion) { if (c = g.valAttr("suggestion-nr"), d = a(".jquery-form-suggestion-" + c), d.length > 0) { var i = d.find("div").eq(a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion).text(); g.val(i), g.trigger("change"), h(g), b.preventDefault() } } else { c = g.valAttr("suggestion-nr"), d = a(".jquery-form-suggestion-" + c); var j = d.children(); if (j.length > 0 && a.inArray(e, [38, 40]) > -1) { 38 === e ? (null === a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion ? a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = j.length - 1 : a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion--, a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion < 0 && (a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = j.length - 1)) : 40 === e && (null === a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion ? a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = 0 : a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion++, a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion > j.length - 1 && (a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion = 0)); var k = d.innerHeight(), l = d.scrollTop(), m = d.children().eq(0).outerHeight(), n = m * a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion; return (l > n || n > l + k) && d.scrollTop(n), j.removeClass("active-suggestion").css("background", "none").eq(a.formUtils._selectedSuggestion).addClass("active-suggestion").css(f.activeSuggestionCSS), b.preventDefault(), !1 } } }).unbind("blur.suggest").bind("blur.suggest", function() { h(a(this)) }), b }, LANG: { errorTitle: "Form submission failed!", requiredField: "This is a required field", requiredFields: "You have not answered all required fields", badTime: "You have not given a correct time", badEmail: "You have not given a correct e-mail address", badTelephone: "You have not given a correct phone number", badSecurityAnswer: "You have not given a correct answer to the security question", badDate: "You have not given a correct date", lengthBadStart: "The input value must be between ", lengthBadEnd: " characters", lengthTooLongStart: "The input value is longer than ", lengthTooShortStart: "The input value is shorter than ", notConfirmed: "Input values could not be confirmed", badDomain: "Incorrect domain value", badUrl: "The input value is not a correct URL", badCustomVal: "The input value is incorrect", andSpaces: " and spaces ", badInt: "The input value was not a correct number", badSecurityNumber: "Your social security number was incorrect", badUKVatAnswer: "Incorrect UK VAT Number", badUKNin: "Incorrect UK NIN", badUKUtr: "Incorrect UK UTR Number", badStrength: "The password isn't strong enough", badNumberOfSelectedOptionsStart: "You have to choose at least ", badNumberOfSelectedOptionsEnd: " answers", badAlphaNumeric: "The input value can only contain alphanumeric characters ", badAlphaNumericExtra: " and ", wrongFileSize: "The file you are trying to upload is too large (max %s)", wrongFileType: "Only %s file type allowed.", groupCheckedRangeStart: "Please choose between ", groupCheckedTooFewStart: "Please choose at least ", groupCheckedTooManyStart: "Please choose a maximum of ", groupCheckedEnd: " item(s)", badCreditCard: "The credit card number is not correct", badCVV: "The CVV number was not correct", wrongFileDim: "Incorrect image dimensions,", imageTooTall: "the image can not be taller than", imageTooWide: "the image can not be wider than", imageTooSmall: "the image was too small", min: "min", max: "max", imageRatioNotAccepted: "Image ratio is not be accepted", badBrazilTelephoneAnswer: "The phone number entered is invalid", badBrazilCEPAnswer: "The CEP entered is invalid", badBrazilCPFAnswer: "The CPF entered is invalid", badPlPesel: "The PESEL entered is invalid", badPlNip: "The NIP entered is invalid", badPlRegon: "The REGON entered is invalid", badreCaptcha: "Please confirm that you are not a bot" } }) }(a, window), function(a) { a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "email", validatorFunction: function(b) { var c = b.toLowerCase().split("@"), d = c[0], e = c[1]; if (d && e) { if (0 === d.indexOf('"')) { var f = d.length; if (d = d.replace(/\"/g, ""), d.length !== f - 2) return !1 } return a.formUtils.validators.validate_domain.validatorFunction(c[1]) && 0 !== d.indexOf(".") && "." !== d.substring(d.length - 1, d.length) && -1 === d.indexOf("..") && !/[^\w\+\.\-\#\-\_\~\!\$\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\:]/.test(d) } return !1 }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badEmail" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "domain", validatorFunction: function(a) { return a.length > 0 && a.length <= 253 && !/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(a.slice(-2)) && !/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(a.substr(0, 1)) && !/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]/.test(a) && 1 === a.split("..").length && a.split(".").length > 1 }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badDomain" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "required", validatorFunction: function(b, c, d, e, f) { switch (c.attr("type")) { case "checkbox": return c.is(":checked"); case "radio": return f.find('input[name="' + c.attr("name") + '"]').filter(":checked").length > 0; default: return "" !== a.trim(b) } }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: function(a) { return "top" === a.errorMessagePosition || "function" == typeof a.errorMessagePosition ? "requiredFields" : "requiredField" } }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "length", validatorFunction: function(b, c, d, e) { var f = c.valAttr("length"), g = c.attr("type"); if (void 0 === f) return alert('Please add attribute "data-validation-length" to ' + c[0].nodeName + " named " + c.attr("name")), !0; var h, i = "file" === g && void 0 !== c.get(0).files ? c.get(0).files.length : b.length, j = a.formUtils.numericRangeCheck(i, f); switch (j[0]) { case "out": this.errorMessage = e.lengthBadStart + f + e.lengthBadEnd, h = !1; break; case "min": this.errorMessage = e.lengthTooShortStart + j[1] + e.lengthBadEnd, h = !1; break; case "max": this.errorMessage = e.lengthTooLongStart + j[1] + e.lengthBadEnd, h = !1; break; default: h = !0 } return h }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "url", validatorFunction: function(b) { var c = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/((((\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])(\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])(\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/(((\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/((\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|\[|\]|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#(((\w|-|\.|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i; if (c.test(b)) { var d = b.split("://")[1], e = d.indexOf("/"); return e > -1 && (d = d.substr(0, e)), a.formUtils.validators.validate_domain.validatorFunction(d) } return !1 }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badUrl" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "number", validatorFunction: function(a, b, c) { if ("" !== a) { var d, e, f = b.valAttr("allowing") || "", g = b.valAttr("decimal-separator") || c.decimalSeparator, h = !1, i = b.valAttr("step") || "", j = !1, k = b.attr("data-sanitize") || "", l = k.match(/(^|[\s])numberFormat([\s]|$)/i); if (l) { if (!window.numeral) throw new ReferenceError("The data-sanitize value numberFormat cannot be used without the numeral library. Please see Data Validation in http://www.formvalidator.net for more information."); a.length && (a = String(numeral().unformat(a))) } if (-1 === f.indexOf("number") && (f += ",number"), -1 === f.indexOf("negative") && 0 === a.indexOf("-")) return !1; if (f.indexOf("range") > -1 && (d = parseFloat(f.substring(f.indexOf("[") + 1, f.indexOf(";"))), e = parseFloat(f.substring(f.indexOf(";") + 1, f.indexOf("]"))), h = !0), "" !== i && (j = !0), "," === g) { if (a.indexOf(".") > -1) return !1; a = a.replace(",", ".") } if ("" === a.replace(/[0-9-]/g, "") && (!h || a >= d && e >= a) && (!j || a % i === 0)) return !0; if (f.indexOf("float") > -1 && null !== a.match(new RegExp("^([0-9-]+)\\.([0-9]+)$")) && (!h || a >= d && e >= a) && (!j || a % i === 0)) return !0 } return !1 }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badInt" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "alphanumeric", validatorFunction: function(b, c, d, e) { var f = "^([a-zA-Z0-9", g = "]+)$", h = c.valAttr("allowing"), i = ""; if (h) { i = f + h + g; var j = h.replace(/\\/g, ""); j.indexOf(" ") > -1 && (j = j.replace(" ", ""), j += e.andSpaces || a.formUtils.LANG.andSpaces), this.errorMessage = e.badAlphaNumeric + e.badAlphaNumericExtra + j } else i = f + g, this.errorMessage = e.badAlphaNumeric; return new RegExp(i).test(b) }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "custom", validatorFunction: function(a, b) { var c = new RegExp(b.valAttr("regexp")); return c.test(a) }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badCustomVal" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "date", validatorFunction: function(b, c, d) { var e = c.valAttr("format") || d.dateFormat || "yyyy-mm-dd", f = "false" === c.valAttr("require-leading-zero"); return a.formUtils.parseDate(b, e, f) !== !1 }, errorMessage: "", errorMessageKey: "badDate" }), a.formUtils.addValidator({ name: "checkbox_group", validatorFunction: function(b, c, d, e, f) { var g = !0, h = c.attr("name"), i = a('input[type=checkbox][name^="' + h + '"]', f), j = i.filter(":checked").length, k = c.valAttr("qty"); if (void 0 === k) { var l = c.get(0).nodeName; alert('Attribute "data-validation-qty" is missing from ' + l + " named " + c.attr("name")) } var m = a.formUtils.numericRangeCheck(j, k); switch (m[0]) { case "out": this.errorMessage = e.groupCheckedRangeStart + k + e.groupCheckedEnd, g = !1; break; case "min": this.errorMessage = e.groupCheckedTooFewStart + m[1] + e.groupCheckedEnd, g = !1; break; case "max": this.errorMessage = e.groupCheckedTooManyStart + m[1] + e.groupCheckedEnd, g = !1; break; default: g = !0 } if (!g) { var n = function() { i.unbind("click", n), i.filter("*[data-validation]").validateInputOnBlur(e, d, !1, "blur") }; i.bind("click", n) } return g } }) }(a) });